Thursday 1 December 2011


Please read the following Rules and Regulations carefully.  If you have a question that is not answered here, please email us at info[at]
  • 1) All scripts must be submitted in English. Entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. Entry in the competition is void where prohibited by law.
  • 2) Judges and employees who work for the Hollywood Screenplay Contest are not eligible to enter the competition, nor are their affiliates or immediate family members.
  • 3) Screenplays written by up to four people may be entered in the contest. Only one entry fee is required for such entries. All writers' names should be listed on the online entry. All writers must authorize submission of the entry. By submitting online to the Hollywood Screenplay Contest, all writers authorize the submission. If a screenplay is written by multiple authors, all cash awards will be split equally between the writers. If a screenplay is written by multiple writers, prizes will be divided at the writers' discretion.
  • 4) To enter your script electronically, you must submit in one of the following formats: .PDF (preferred), Final Draft, Movie Magic Screenwriter, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, or Text.
  • 5) Entrants to the Hollywood Screenplay Contest retain all rights to their screenplays.
  • 6) Entries will not be returned. Be sure to retain a copy of all material submitted.
  • 7) You may submit your entry and payment either online or by mail. No preference will be given to either method of submission.
  • 8) Entries must be mailed and postmarked by the applicable Entry Deadline.
  • 9) Once a script has been entered into competition, we will not accept substitutions or revised drafts. If you wish to submit a revised draft of your script, you must enter it as a new submission.
  • 10) The Hollywood Screenplay Contest will not share your screenplay with anyone except the official judges of the competition.
  • 11) By entering the Hollywood Screenplay Contest, you represent that your entry is your original work, and does not infringe on the copyright or other rights of other people.
  • 12) Entry fees are non-refundable.
  • 13) Screenplays submitted by mail should be clearly marked with the Submission Tracking Number.
  • 14) Submissions must be the original work of the applicant. Entries may be adapted from the applicant’s own work.
  • 15) The decisions of the judges are final.
  • 16) The Hollywood Screenplay Contest reserves the right to make any necessary changes, postponements, or cancellations to event scheduling at our discretion.
  • 17) Notification of winners and official finalists will be sent by email and posted on our website.  It is the responsibility of the winners to redeem any prizes allotted to them by the Hollywood Screenplay Contest or our sponsors.  Applicants will be repsonsible for providing current contact information and mailing addresses for prize redemption purposes.
  • 18) By submitting to the Hollywood Screenplay Contest, you represent that your entry is your original work, you are authorized to submit to the Contest, and your entry does not infringe on the copyright or other rights of other people.

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