The Hollywood Screenplay Contest offers our screenwriters a variety of tailored script services to help you further develop, promote and prepare your screenplay for market.

Third-party script consultants typical charge from $250 to more than $1000 for professional script services! And you never know what you’ll receive until after the money is spent.

Our judges are qualified and professional screenplay readers with years of experience evaluating screenplays for major production companies, producers, and literary agencies. They are experts in recognizing and evaluating the integral components of a well-written, quality screenplay, including story, plot, structure, pacing, dialogue, character, and marketability.
Our unique relationship with our specialized group of highly experienced judges and professional script readers allows us to provide superior script services for very affordable prices.

Concept Evaluation: $50

This service is for concepts and ideas for screenplays, not for completed screenplays. A Concept Evaluation includes detailed notes and assessments on your treatment, outline, or story idea. Your judge will provide a thorough evaluation of your concept, discuss the construction of your treatment or outline, offer suggestions as how best to develop the material, and evaluate the concept’s marketability and potential for sale in the marketplace. This service is designed to thoroughly dissect and digest the realistic prospects and risks of a project before you the write the script.

Marketing Package: $150

First, your completed screenplay will be closely read by one of our industry experts with a careful eye toward creating a marketing package specifically tailored to your script. You will receive two professionally written loglines, a custom query letter that fits important industry standard specifications, and a one page sales summary (one-sheet) highlighting the best sales points of your story from an industry perspective. You will also receive important insights into the spec screenplay market and film industry along with a detailed explanation and advice as to what sales strategies to implement and how to best position your material for the market. This package provides you with the basic industry standard, physical elements and overall market understanding you'll need when you attempt to sell your script.

Marketing Package Plus Long Synopsis: $250

With this package, you'll receive everything included in the Marketing Package along with a professionally written, detailed synopsis of your script. Film executives and producers are absolutely inundated with screenplays. Before reading any full-length script, they almost always first read a synopsis prepared for them by one of their script readers. You'll need a solid synopsis if you plan on raising money through private investors and for marketing and publicity purposes as well.

IMPORTANT: If you choose to purchase a Concept Evaluation or a Marketing Package without submitting your screenplay to the contest, please be sure to email us your screenplay along with the Order Number provided to you after checkout to info[at]